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Exploring the Complexities of Coerced Debt for Survivor Safety

Recent legislative changes in Minnesota provide remedies for survivors of coerced debt, but how do attorneys and support staff issue spot for coerced debt in a safe and meaningful way?  This comprehensive training will provide attendees with a clear understanding of coerced debt, explore coerced debt within wide-ranging economic abuse and coercive control, and provide tools for assessing the harm caused by debt incurred through fraud or coercion.  Through complex hypotheticals and discussions, participants will refine strategies for issue-spotting and explore key partnerships to enhance survivor safety.

Katie VonDeLinde
, MSW, LCSW (she/hers) has advocated for survivors of intimate partner violence for over 25 years.  She helped implement the first comprehensive economic empowerment program for survivors in the U.S. at Redevelopment Opportunities for Women in the early 2000s.  Since then, she has trained thousands of lawyers and social workers on economic justice strategies while continuing to advocate for the consumer rights of survivors of intimate partner violence.  Katie is an expert advisor to the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice and a full-time faculty member at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis.

CLE: 1 hour of CLE Credit to be applied for.

This training is free.

March 19

VLN Core Training: Housing Court Basics