Details: This training includes a panel of three bankruptcy attorneys who have track records of successfully working with low-income clients to effectively discharge their debts via a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While the primary focus of the training will be on how getting the case off to a good start is essential to working successfully with your bankruptcy client, the panel will also share best practices for getting the case across the finish line and receiving a Discharge Order. Additionally, it will include a brief review of the state and federal exemptions available to protect a debtor's property in bankruptcy. This training is appropriate for volunteers who are interested in taking their first bankruptcy case or newer bankruptcy volunteers who are interested in honing their practice.
Presenters: Ron Lundquist has practiced exclusively in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy since 1999. In that time, Ron has successfully helped thousands of Minnesota families, businesses and individuals get a fresh start. Ron graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1992, and from William Mitchell College of Law in 1996.
Dave Peterson has volunteered with VLN since 2020, first with Letters to Creditors, then briefly with housing, before signing up with the Bankruptcy Clinic where he has helped many clients with Chapter 7 bankruptcies. Dave graduated from William Mitchell College of Law in 2014. He also has experience with probate and real estate.
Chris Kramer has practiced bankruptcy law since 2012. Chris started working at Volunteer Lawyers Network in 2017, and he is the manager and resource attorney of VLN’s Bankruptcy Program. Chris graduated from Hamline University Law School in 2011.
CLE: 1 hour of CLE Credit to be applied for.
This training is free.