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VLN Core Training: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status - The First Step of Obtaining the Predicate Order

Details: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) is a form of immigration relief for children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned by a parent. SIJS provides a pathway to become lawful permanent residents. For a child to apply for SIJS, they first need to have a state court or “predicate” order. During this training, we will walk through obtaining a predicate order in different venues.

  • First Hour: learn how to request a predicate order in family court for children under the age of 18. We will discuss the basics of a custody/third party custody/divorce case and adding in a request for special findings.

  • Second Hour: Discover how to request obtaining a predicate order in juvenile court for youth between the ages of 18-20. We will explore the fundamentals of an at-risk guardianship case and adding in the request for special findings.

Please note: each hour of this training is a separate CLE with its own CLE code. You are welcome to attend one or both CLEs. There will be some overlap in the CLEs.

Presenter: Kara Rieke, Family Resource Attorney, VLN. Kara joined Volunteer Lawyers Network (VLN) as the Family Law Resource Attorney in 2016. After graduating from William Mitchell in 2004, Kara worked at Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services (SMRLS) for nine years, practicing in housing discrimination for one year and as a family law staff attorney for the remaining years. She also worked for over three years as a family court Guardian ad Litem.

CLE: 2 hours of CLE Credit to be applied for.

This training is free.

January 29

Installment Contracts in Housing

February 12

VLN Core Training: Immigration 101 and Post Election Updates