MMLA Attorney Shares the Realities of Small Claims Court
Consumer law attorney Beth Goodell of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid (MMLA), recently spoke with KARE 11 News about the surprising and often harsh realities of winning a case in small claims court. Namely, winning in court doesn’t mean recovering money immediately, but is merely the beginning of a complicated legal process. Ultimately, as this investigative piece reveals, a person may never recoup their losses.
To learn more about the legal process, KARE 11 spoke with Goodell and two victims about what it entails. “You can win and not really win,” Goodell said. Even after a successful judgement in the client’s favor, numerous additional steps, paperwork, and expenses are required. It’s frustrating, and without a lawyer to help track down the other party, it can also be nearly impossible to recoup losses. “So, this is hard, especially hard when the person on the other side is a scammer because they intend not to be found.” Goodell noted. “I wish there were more resources for just everyday people who need justice.”